Monday, 30 May 2011

Get Free Pearl Tower

This trick is to get Cityville Pearl Tower FREE without having to pay or go about doingthings difficult. This tower has a cost of 2 million coins, so take advantage of this trick.

I give you instructions to perform this trick. PLEASE read the post well it's well explained, more simply can not do, PAY ATTENTION to what we write that well understood.

You will need:
A secondary account (or can ask a neighbor for help)

Cityville Tricks: Getting the Pearl Tower
1 - You first have to enter THIS LINK FROM GOOGLE CHROME

2 - In the form of asking for help have to click the right mouse button and choose Inspect element. If that option does not appear (Inspect element) is because you are not using Chrome!

3 - Now you'll see a lot of code, you have to scroll up a bit until you see a code starting with <form action="http://fb-client…
4 - Please click the right mouse button on that block of code and choose the Edit Attribute

5 - now enables them to edit code, find where it says energy_3, delete it and change it to this: lm_pearltower and press ENTER.

6 - Close the window with the X code that comes up on the left or right.

7 - Now select the friend they want to ask the item (can be a secondary account orask you to help a friend.)

8 - Send aid as they normally do and when the neighbor will accept the Pearl Tower in the inventory.

9 - To accept the item is very important to do so from the window of requests IN THE GAME, NOT in the Facebook applications page. If you don't do this NOT going to work. Accept from the game as seen an the picture below:

Next, Help them out and enjoy your free Pearl Tower!

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